Saturday, January 31, 2009

What I was expecting…

As luck or fate would have it, two members of the marketing were down yesterday. One just went through surgery, the other for an emergency. Although one of my staff just arrived from overseas the night before and I had the chance for a briefing before we had the marketing seminar meeting.

I am quite apprehensive of his arrival knowing his personality type so I forewarned him of the things to come… and sure enough, there we were…

The minute my marketing consultant started interviewing him about his marketing background, or lack of it, he sets off with the reply, “before I answer you, I have to know who you are and what you do”. Sort of like “what gives you the right to ask about who I am”? I just simply retorted that he will have to trust the vice president’s decision on this one.

Honestly speaking, if I’d have it my way, I’d keep the marketing team under wraps and simply propose a face-off between the factional sides and be judged ultimately with results. But then again, that would probably break the chairman’s heart. But then again, that may be the only recourse we have left to save what we still have.

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