Thursday, August 20, 2009

The tale of the broken …

Today is another one of those uneventful days where I find myself lulling in sick thoughts and contemplating on making my life as simple as possible.

I had a drink the other night with some employees, one of the benefits of having a bar in the building, and it gave them the opportunity of discussing shop matters with me. My Korean friend and golf pro was telling everyone to change topic since he saw me the other night turn ugly when the talk turned shop and I threw a couple of beer bottles for stress relief.

But the night was entirely different, since I felt that it would give me the opportunity to explain my side to the people most relevant in this organization – the employees.

And explain I finally did. It felt good and gave me a bit more motivation to hang on and serve my time. Time that may never come, but I will nevertheless wait.

things I hate …

When someone says “you know my style”… I want to honestly say, “yes, it’s called the stupid style”

When a manager refuses to follow the rules and regulations… simply because they haven’t read it yet – they should be reminded that ignorance of the rule excuses no one, especially managers. Ignorance equals stupidity

When people don’t keep their word

When someone says, “I made this”, as if they really did

When someone says, “I know how you feel”, as if they do

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