Thursday, March 11, 2010

Off to Cebu

Every night is drinking night... that's to cope with my shit life... or an excuse for an alcoholic. I've gone a few days without drinking in exchange for a good night's sleep, which makes me wonder, which is better? Drinking and getting some well deserved bed time or abstinence from the drink and stay glued to history channel?

I'm off to Cebu today, my first visit without my "counterpart" there. He has resigned and is moving on to my friend's business and that would make me feel bad once again knowing how stupid his management skill is. Anyway that's an entirely different blog entry altogether.

So tonight, I just expect to get wasted with our Cebu employees for some bonding moments and hopefully to boost whatever needs boosting. I miss going to Cebu on a regular basis... hopefully I can do it again as often as I want.

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