Wednesday, March 4, 2009

a driver for a day...

It’s 2:08 in the afternoon and I’m frying inside my car outside a hospital in a far flung area South of Manila. We braved the dreaded traffic before the color coding scheme took effect and we had to be outside of the Metro before seven… the outskirt traffic was even worse with traffic enforcers giving preferential treatment to those going to Manila and it took us forever to pick up my mother-in-law, not to mention the torture I felt being diabetic and being constantly in need of a place to pee.

The good thing about the day is that I got to eat perhaps one of the best tasting fried chickens I’ve had while waiting for my wife who was in line for a government document. My mother-in-law is also fine having gone through a minor operation and we were able to bring her back home around seven in the evening.

I was so sleepy on the way back and I desperately needed a cold beer with the intent of jamming with BLACK PIPE who had a gig schedule in Pasay but my wife was entirely against it… oh well, I did have a blast driving my car. Sometimes I do miss driving my Sonata.

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