Thursday, May 24, 2007

the MARGINALS recovered videos

All these songs belong to the MARGINALS' 1st album "Insecurities".

Casie Villarosa -- guitars / piano / vocals
Nelius Pepito -- lead guitars
Elmer Diaz -- bass
Ric Vera -- drums (side a)
Noli Cuachon -- drums (side b)
Tony Robles -- keyboards (side b)

Produced by CASCON music, ltd.

Recorded at CINEMATIX Recording Studio
Engineered by Jeffrey Felix and Jun ______ (forgot his name)

Recorded from 1992 to 1994
(we had to earn money first before we can record any material at the time, i think we spent around Php 30++ k for the recording)

Released and Distributed by Aquarius Records and Tapes

There were lots of video materials we had, but unfortunately, we lost a lot of them and most were recorded in analogue format. I spent quite a lot to recover the old VHS, video8 and Betamax copies and had them digitally transfered so that I could preserve the moments of the band. I think maybe, Tony has some more materials with him like the recorded Dredd sets.

Insecurities (closing Billboard and Credits)
composed by noli cuachon

Cobwebs of the Heart
composed by casie villarosa

composed by noli cuachon

No Love Poems
composed by jet guerrero and casie villarosa

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