Saturday, May 17, 2008

The Headache…

A month without blogging simply means that my life just went a little berserk over those days… I couldn’t settle in yet since I moved into the temporary office at the fourth floor, the frustration over the plug pulling of a project I cared about and another move into another office this time facing the sea. I must admit that I got a bit crazy and googoo as well over my new car… damn, she handles like a dream.

Everything around as well were all unwell like in a crazy state of semi-chaotic pandemonium especially over the recent changes in the organization as well as the seeming lack of communication between everyone in this company.

Damn, I miss the olden days when life in this company was “chaotic” but simple (whatever that means).

I was made to head a department that I really don’t have enough core competency to reassure myself and my team that everything would be alright. I had to relieve my driver because he had an eye infection that he was not so honest about till I went to play golf and noticed that he drove half hazardly in the highway causing him to lose proper judgment on the breaking distance, I got a new secretary who used my notebook to check her myspace account, my cellphone to text a performer and to top it all off, my immediate boss resigned.

Well, as one would simply put it… I think I’m losing it. This could well be another crisis in the making…

The story of my life…

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Almost a year :)