Thursday, April 7, 2011

something inherently wrong

this picture was taken from my earlier post in this blog, the aggrieved did not file any complaints with PCP1 and so there was no case

I was eating with my friend in a Korean restaurant one morning when apparently he did not like what he heard from the other table, he all of a sudden started shouting at that group of Korean guys. He walks over, shouts some more and slaps around one guy as the others stood to aid their companion. In three swift counts, my friend was down and takes a knee, a foot and a fist on the face.

I had to stop everyone from further causing more damage, unaware of what started all that since they were all talking in Korean. It was a tense dramatic 20 or so minutes before the police officers I called in came and everything was settled.

Now that was the short version of the story... In between those tense moments, all I wanted was for everyone to stay put until the police arrives and matters be settled legally. Much to my dismay, I suffered injuries not from the guys whom I was preventing beating up my friend but from my friends who were all telling me that we should just leave as I refused and was adamant that we wait for the police.

Yesterday, as I watched the cctv footage of what transpired, it was clear that I did the right thing and reacted the right and proper way. And it was also clear, that it was my friend who was out of line.

This is the second incident I have been involved with, trying to stop Koreans from beating up each other. What I find inherently wrong is the fact that after such incidents, their tendencies are to run away ala gangster style... which is wrong!

If there is no complaint, there is no case. And that means they might settle it somewhere else... which is also wrong!

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