Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Career suicidal tendencies

Two months ago, I started writing a blog post about a song I was writing about tentatively titled “I’ve learned” about the usual emotional hoola-ballooo sentimental crap of a love gone wrong kind of theme. Of course, most likely as always related to my everyday currently mundane life. I never got to finish that post.

The past few days I’ve spent a lot about thinking a good succession scheme for this company. Perhaps mainly because that I am driving towards my obsolescence… not for anything else except for the fact that I’d want someone to take “sustainable” care of what would be left behind. Unfortunately, at the moment either someone has a plausible amount of care but lacks the capability, or may perhaps has the capability but lacks passionate and sincere care for this company.

I’ve always said that I believed in the “in vino veritas” concept and that is perhaps why I’ve been drinking up to my neck these days… maybe I just want to squeeze the truth out of myself as to what I really want.

Last Friday, I had the chance to drink with some of the employees along with some of my officers and also had a chance to gripe in front of them about the recent occurrences which led to the dismissal of ten employees. It was clear for everyone that it was of their doing but also can’t help the feeling of loss.

We got to drinking until the wee hours of the morning and I came out of it feeling pleasant and alive knowing that I have communicated a lot of points to everyone in attendance. As it turns out, I feel a lot happier hearing their sides as well… something that I haven’t heard for quite a while.

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