Friday, February 24, 2012

The Unnecessary...

On the job, there are some things that we can prevent by making logical and practical decisions. This I have learned by making wrong ones as well as excellent ones over the many years as part of the labor force and eventually as a decision maker. And there are those things that are beyond our control... much like the weather, we are at its mercy.

Now for the life of me, over the last ten years of this company's existence, people seemed not to have learned from experience. It is as if I am destined to watch the same decision-making mistakes over and over again. That makes some of the stresses suffered from work "unnecessary"...

Pride + Prejudice = Mistake

As a rule, a company's priority would be to deliver the services and/or products to your customers... that's it. All decisions therefore is simply a means to achieve this end. Anything beyond it should be of minor concern. If a manager's hobby is that of rocking the boat, then he should be be out of the equation. But then again, what if he is higher than a manager?

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