Tuesday, June 2, 2009

the week that was...

I’ve not blogged for a long time since most of the things I wanted to write about were negative things. Not that I did not want a certain amount of realism into my blogspot that drove me to idleness but my willingness to simmer myself down so that for this instance allow myself not to say what I might regret later. Ooooouuussssaaaahhhh… calmness in spirit… duh?

Anyway, more than a week ago, busy as hell comprehending what I would normally not want to comprehend, I was working on my proposal for the new dream… the MFC. It was moving along quite well except for the details that really got me agitated like inventory systems, monitoring and the like. Things I normally dislike.

So I asked myself the question, what the hell am I doing? We’ve got staff so I should distribute the “pain” and so I did. Of course, it was an exercise in futility, not to mention that the Chairman has misconstrued the attached questionnaire as I giving him orders or asking him to solve my obstacles in the proposal so I got pissed off naturally and I stopped working.

I guess that it is in my nature to react or overreact in certain occasions. It took me up to this time to finally come to my senses and coach myself that I am not doing this project for the Chairman or myself… I am doing this to sustain this organization.

This on top of the other things that I needed to do, I went on a one day trip to Cebu to supervise the new video, had torture treatments with my dentists for an ailing tooth, do the musical score of the new sequence, meet with people for some “apparent” problems from the government, etc, etc.

We’re saving up on resources and that is why we tend to be overburdened lately so it’s quite difficult to allow creative juices to flow on supposedly “creative” projects. It’s a good thing that I have this mentality that one should not force the issue especially if one wants to get something done.

The formula? Step back and do something else of interest to you. Soon enough, you’ll be fresh of ideas that you’d be raring to get back on whatever it was that hindered you in the first place.

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