After feeling the worst after declaring percentage cuts on salaries as a remedial measure to hopefully survive this economic crunch, the Chairman is finally back. He motions me over to his office so that I could report the updates.
He told me that we will need to go beyond "remedial" if we are to survive considering that Cebu is also not doing so well. I said that I wouldn't know since the Cebu office has not reported in their figures the entire time he was away. I told him that it seems that the Independent Republic of Amazing Cebu (IRAC) has turned totally defiant of the protocols.
Last night, as i stared at a jaw-dropping 280 guests crowd themselves at the MFC lobby (something I have not seen for the longest of time), I got the used to be usual text message from the Cebu branch office reporting in their stats. Knowing how hard it must have been for the defiant manager to be forced to report in, I responded "thank you", half sincere and half sarcastic.
A minute later I received a call from my weary-sounding counterpart expressing his "usual max-to-the-exag" emotional dilemma over the issue of salary cuts. I told him that I have expressed to the Chairman my recommendation that Cebu should not suffer the same fate since it is still an earning entity. He responds with his rhetoric on "fairness" and "family" which really got me quite ticked off knowing how "unfair" things are being ran down there.
Statements such as "I might not be here anymore when you visit", "I want to quit", and a host of other gibberish that are all too familiar anyway are the things I expected to hear. When all I wanted to hear was "I'm sorry, I failed to report my stats to you". Instead, I had a face filled in with concealer make up... the usual sooo, soooo Korean style of not admitting himself wrong.